The thing that I have discovered in this class so far is that now I know why I was never interested in signing up for a twitter account.  Signing up for that technology feels like such a waste.  I go on there and "follow" people. When I try a make a comment about things that they have said I never get a response.  I mean really, is twitter just away for people to let off some steam..? Or, say stuff that is on their mind without caring or being interested as to what people think.  Or, to express to people what they are doing every minute of the day.  I don't know, but what I am absolutely sure of is that fact that I really don't like it and don't ever see myself using it other that the need to have it in this class.  Happy Twitting all!
Justin Manuel
5/26/2012 03:53:06 am

I agree with you. I have never been a big fan of twitter, and never had any interest in signing up for it until this class. I Also agree it is a way to blow off steam. And to follow people life and care about there problems is something I've never really cared for. i have my own problems and issues. I don't have time to be reading others people post. So just like you I Don't like twitter! Happy twitting to you as well!

Dana Ek
5/28/2012 12:35:14 pm

I agree with you. I also don't see how people have time for some of this technology. Technology is great but it sure does take a lot of time I have come to learn.


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